Evidence, data and monitoring

Bradford District Wide Transport Study

The common overall aim is to achieve a sustainable approach to transport within the Bradford District. This Transport Study will make reference to all modes of travel, setting its findings within a broader context of sustainability.

The Transport Study will fulfil two key objectives:

  • To establish the strategic impacts, in both absolute and relative terms, of the Core Strategy proposals on the highway and public transport networks throughout the Bradford District, and on an intra-district level where relevant.
  • To provide an assessment of specific measures needed to mitigate the key impacts of the Core Strategy proposals. This will identify the transport improvements, including measures to encourage modal shift away from the car, required to implement the Core Strategy without unacceptable impacts on the highway network and ensuring accessibility by public transport and other non-car modes.

The Transport Study has regard to existing policies and plans at the local, regional and nation level. It will also be used to inform the LDF Infrastructure Plan, and may also be used to inform future bids for Local Transport funding and/or Community Infrastructure Levy.

This study was completed in October 2010.

Contact details

Planning Policy
4th Floor
Britannia House
Hall Ings

Phone : 01274 433679
Email : planning.policy@bradford.gov.uk